kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

Can i use my own domain ?


  1. Autor dieses Themas


    shooot22 hat kostenlosen Webspace.


    Is lima-city support the own domain attachement ?

    if yes, which are the NameServers to use in my doamin panel ?

    Thank you in advance.
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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. It is possible to connect domains which are not registered by lima-city to your webspace here. Simply add the following IP address as A-Record in your domain settings: 193 . 107 . 147 . 202 (without spaces)

    Afterwards register this domain in the Lima-City Control Panel (Verwaltung->Domains->Eigene Fremddomain aufschalten) and choose an appropriate directory for it. As soon as the DNS record of your domain has been updated and points correctly to the Lima-City IP, your webspace will be accessible through this domain.

    This IP may change in the future. You'll always find the current IP in the help section: http://www.lima-city.de/2008/domains

    If you don't own a domain already: Why not registering a domain at Lima-City at very low costs? This will automatically point to your webspace directory

    Beitrag zuletzt geändert: 28.4.2010 1:38:27 von rnitsche
  4. Jes, lima-city supports external domains, but just a-record, no nameservers.
    You find the required IP here: http://www.lima-city.de/2008/domains/#aufschalten

    The text says:
    You still have a domain and want to use it with your lima-city-webspace? No problem, just give your domain-provider our IP to enter it as A-Record. The IP can be read from proxy.lima-city.de ("resolved") or copied here: 193 . 107 . 147 . 202 (of course without spaces, last change: 31.03.2010)

    There is no support for nameservers and and c-name.

    You have to enter your domain in the domain-management (click -> "Eigene Fremddomain aufschalten") and then all the traffic of your domain lands at your lima-city webspace.

    Edit: Shit, rnitsche was a bit faster...

    Beitrag zuletzt geändert: 28.4.2010 1:42:10 von tibel
  5. Autor dieses Themas


    shooot22 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Ok, but what about this box "Register globals" i must check it or not ?

    the directory sould still "html" or i can choose abyone ?

    And if NS is not supported, so what about url forwarding ? i can use it

    Thank you
  6. kaetzle7

    Moderator Kostenloser Webspace von kaetzle7

    kaetzle7 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    shooot22 schrieb:
    Ok, but what about this box "Register globals" i must check it or not ?
    You can check it or not - but you don't necessarily have to.

    the directory sould still "html" or i can choose abyone ?
    You can choose the directory you want to have for your domain - whichever.

  7. shooot22 schrieb:
    Ok, but what about this box "Register globals" i must check it or not ?

    You should uncheck. Register globals is a security risk.
  8. Autor dieses Themas


    shooot22 hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    Thank you all for this fast help, great support community, i guess this i what makes the difference between Lima-city and the other free webhosting, it's hard to get help, and you must wait too long to get a simple answer about a feature if it's disabled or enabled.

    Thank you all.
  9. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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