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  • in: WLAN-Verbindungen

    geschrieben von hallouser

    hier die Lösung für eine englisches System:

    Const ssfCONTROLS = 3

    sConnectionName = "Local Area Connection"

    sEnableVerb = "En&able"
    sDisableVerb = "Disa&ble"

    set shellApp = createobject("shell.application")
    set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS)

    set oNetConnections = nothing
    for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items
    if folderitem.name = "Network Connections" then
    set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for
    end if

    if oNetConnections is nothing then
    msgbox "Couldn't find 'Network Connections' folder"
    end if

    set oLanConnection = nothing
    for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items
    if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then
    set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for
    end if

    if oLanConnection is nothing then
    msgbox "Couldn't find '" & sConnectionName & "' item"
    end if

    bEnabled = true
    set oEnableVerb = nothing
    set oDisableVerb = nothing
    s = "Verbs: " & vbcrlf
    for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs
    s = s & vbcrlf & verb.name
    if verb.name = sEnableVerb then
    set oEnableVerb = verb
    bEnabled = false
    end if
    if verb.name = sDisableVerb then
    set oDisableVerb = verb
    end if

    'debugging displays left just in case...
    'msgbox s ': wscript.quit
    'msgbox "Enabled: " & bEnabled ': wscript.quit

    'not sure why, but invokeverb always seemed to work
    'for enable but not disable.
    'saving a reference to the appropriate verb object
    'and calling the DoIt method always seems to work.
    if bEnabled then
    ' oLanConnection.invokeverb sDisableVerb
    ' oLanConnection.invokeverb sEnableVerb
    end if

    'adjust the sleep duration below as needed...
    'if you let the oLanConnection go out of scope
    'and be destroyed too soon, the action of the verb
    'may not take...
    wscript.sleep 1000
  • in: WLAN-Verbindungen

    geschrieben von hallouser

    Hallo zusammen,

    gib es eine Möglichkeit das Script auch an einem englisch sprachigen System zu verwenden ? Ich hab probiert einfach den Folderitem:name auf „Network Connections“ zu setzen aber irgendwie funktioniert das nicht.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus

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