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How to master PHP ?


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    I am learning PHP .And I want to get some advice about how to master it .
    If you share your experience ,I will be very glad .
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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. Honest advice: Mastering PHP is not worth it. PHP started out as a language with a basic idea: Provide a preprocessor for HTML documents (hence the name "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor", although it originally stood for "Personal Home Page"). PHP is great for adding some simple server logic to websites.But when you want to create something bigger then things get rather ugly compared to other languages.

    I would still call PHP a modern language. It has most of the features that I consider as mandatory for a modern language but the way these features integrate with the rest of the language is just not pleasant. Originally it was not planned that PHP would have such features and now we have a rather inhomogeneous language.

    Ideally a language should follow a few basic design principles. Python is a good example of this. You only have to understand a couple of principles and then you will have no problem with most code out there. In contrast PHP allows you (and other people) to do many things in a very non-systematic way. Learning all these special cases is not worth it unless you want to become a professional PHP programmer.

    If you want to see how modern PHP is written, I recommend looking at the ownCloud source code. I think they do a decent job with PHP and you can probably learn a lot from reading the code.
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    bladehunter schrieb:
    Honest advice: Mastering PHP is not worth it. PHP started out as a language with a basic idea: Provide a preprocessor for HTML documents (hence the name "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor", although it originally stood for "Personal Home Page"). PHP is great for adding some simple server logic to websites.But when you want to create something bigger then things get rather ugly compared to other languages.

    I would still call PHP a modern language. It has most of the features that I consider as mandatory for a modern language but the way these features integrate with the rest of the language is just not pleasant. Originally it was not planned that PHP would have such features and now we have a rather inhomogeneous language.

    Ideally a language should follow a few basic design principles. Python is a good example of this. You only have to understand a couple of principles and then you will have no problem with most code out there. In contrast PHP allows you (and other people) to do many things in a very non-systematic way. Learning all these special cases is not worth it unless you want to become a professional PHP programmer.

    If you want to see how modern PHP is written, I recommend looking at the ownCloud source code. I think they do a decent job with PHP and you can probably learn a lot from reading the code.

    Thank you .Your recommendation helps a lot .I don't want to become a professional PHP programmer .However ,I still want to write some beautiful websites .
  5. If you want to do server-things, you also could use JavaScript with node.js.

    PHP is in the beginning a really difficult language.. A reason is its syntax.

    You can learn it by reading code or following tutorials. Do you master any language? HTML or JavaScript is very important to write PHP applications.
  6. I've learned PHP mostly from a YouTube user called "phpacademy". This guy, Alex, did help me a lot when I wanted to get into PHP (I previously only knew HTML). On his channel you can find interesting tutorials with actual scenarios that you could really get into. (e.g. Connecting to MySQL databases in PHP or a Photo Upload Website)

    Hope this helped :)
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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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