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asus.dll einbinden

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  1. t***a

    Hallo Tobi,

    habe gerade was gefunden, dass Dir evtl. weiterhilft.

    If you know how to use some high level programming language, such as C/C++, Delphi, or even VB, it's relatively easy to roll your own monitoring tool (the way you like it) without needing to know the technicality about sensor chips.

    The trick is that most motherboards come with some sort of monitoring software, the interface is usually an exe file, it calls a series of DLLs behind the scene to retrieve temperature, fan speeds, voltage, and so on.

    You can use the programming language of your choice to build the interface, then call up the corresponding DLLs to do the reading for you. For example, following are some of the exported functions from asus.dll (ASUS PC Probe):

    GetVoltIN0() // vcore1
    GetVoltIN1() // vcore2
    GetVoltIN2() // +3.3v
    GetVoltIN3() // +5v
    GetVoltIN4() // +12v
    GetVoltIN5() // -5v
    GetVoltIN6() // -12v

    Clock speed is something that needs to be calculated, the following C snippet demonstrates how:

    signed __int64 start, stop;
    signed __int64 nCtr, nFreq, nCtrStop;
    QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_I? NTEGER *)&nFreq);
    _asm _emit 0x0F
    _asm _emit 0x31
    _asm mov DWORD PTR start, eax
    _asm mov DWORD PTR [start+4], edx
    QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INT? EGER *)&nCtrStop);
    nCtrStop += nFreq;
    QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INT? EGER *)&nCtr);
    } while (nCtr < nCtrStop);
    _asm _emit 0x0F
    _asm _emit 0x31
    _asm mov DWORD PTR stop, eax
    _asm mov DWORD PTR [stop+4], edx

    stop - start gives you the elapsed time in milliseconds, divide it by 1,000,000 to get MHz or divide it by 1,000,000,000 to get GHz.

    Happy programming :-)


    gefunden hier:
    (ich war mal so frei das hier reinzukopieren, weil links oft so schrecklich kurzlebig sind :)

    Die Funktionen, die die asus.dll anbietet, scheinen alle keine Funktionsparameter ?bergeben zu bekommen, zumindest nicht die oben im Zitat aufgelistet werden. Deswegen bed?rfen sie evtl. auch keiner weiteren Erkl?rung!? Ich weiss ja nicht, ob es noch andere komplikationiertere Funktionen in der Dll hat.

    Hoffe das hilft Dir etwas.

    Fr?hliches Programmieren!

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