kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

Suche auf lima-city

  • in: Windows XP Service Pack 3

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    bringt das neue Sp3 etwas es soll ja nur eine reihe von Sicherheits updates haben !? leistungsmäßig bringst nichts oder ?
  • in: Modding ist doch was für Kinder!

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    naja Modding ein bisschen ist gut aber übertreiben wie Plexiglas gehäuse tausende lüfter dioden blinken ne das gefällt mir auch nicht ein bisschen geht aber man kann es auch übertreiben
  • in: Suche php upload script + Login

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    habe schon einige foren durchforstet aber nichts gefunden
    also suche ein script php Bildupload aber man muss sich ein loggen um ein Bild uploaden zukönnen wollte das für meine hp haben aber gibst sowas ? bräuschte son script
    bitte um hilfe würde selber son ein php schreiben aber fehlen mir noch einige kenntnisse:mad:
  • in: Fehler in PHP

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    ne nicht geklaut man ! das template kann man frei aus den internet laden als html hab denn style bisschen geändert php forum eingebaut gästebuch usw.
    Komm doch bitte ins IRC ist doch besser als son forum

    Beitrag geändert: 8.2.2008 12:19:03 von schranz-club
  • in: Fehler in PHP

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    was soll dann eintragen wenn 0 nicht erlaubt ist ? hab jetzt 10 drin ^^
  • in: Fehler in PHP

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    aso Website ist nit geklaut gibst schon haste recht aber das template kann man frei ausn inet laden
  • in: Fehler in PHP

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    was bedeutet des ? :
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/webpages/lima-city/schranz-club/html/cutenews/inc/functions.inc.php on line 469

    Hier die functions.inc.php :
    // bad practice, i know
    if ($_SESSION)          {extract($_SESSION, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($_COOKIE)           {extract($_COOKIE, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($HTTP_POST_VARS)    {extract($HTTP_POST_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($_POST)             {extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($HTTP_GET_VARS)     {extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($_GET)              {extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($HTTP_ENV_VARS)     {extract($HTTP_ENV_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);}
    if ($_ENV)              {extract($_ENV, EXTR_SKIP);}
    // Sanitize Variables
    if( isset($template) and $template != \"\" and !eregi(\"^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}$\", $template)){ die(\"invalid template characters\"); }
    if( isset($archive) and $archive != \"\" and !eregi(\"^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,}$\", $archive)){ die(\"invalid archive characters\"); }
    if($PHP_SELF == \"\"){ $PHP_SELF = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[\"PHP_SELF\"]; }
    $phpversion = @phpversion();
    $a7f89abdcf9324b3 = \"\";
    $comm_start_from = htmlspecialchars($comm_start_from);
    $start_from = htmlspecialchars($start_from);
    $archive = htmlspecialchars($archive);
    $subaction = htmlspecialchars($subaction);
    $id = htmlspecialchars($id);
    $ucat = htmlspecialchars($ucat);
    if(is_array($category)){ foreach($category as $ckey=>$cvalue){ $category[$ckey] = htmlspecialchars($category[$ckey]);} }
    else{ $category = htmlspecialchars($category); }
    $number = htmlspecialchars($number);
    $template = htmlspecialchars($template);
    $show = htmlspecialchars($show);
    $config_version_name = \"CuteNews v1.4.5\";
    $config_version_id = 180;
    // Some Special Chars
    $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS = Array (    // Master array replaced ALWAYS !!!
        \'”\' => \'&#8221;\',
        \'“\' => \'&#8220;\',
        \'œ\' => \'&#339;\',
        \'™\' => \'&#8482;\',
        \'’\' => \'&#8217;\',
        \'‘\' => \'&#8216;\',
        \'‰\' => \'&#8240;\',
        \'…\' => \'&#8230;\',
        \'€\' => \'&euro;\',
        \'¡\' => \'&iexcl;\',
        \'¢\' => \'&cent;\',
        \'£\' => \'&pound;\',
        \'¤\' => \'&curren;\',
        \'¥\' => \'&yen;\',
        \'¦\' => \'&brvbar;\',
        \'§\' => \'&sect;\',
        \'¨\' => \'&uml;\',
        \'©\' => \'&copy;\',
        \'ª\' => \'&ordf;\',
        \'«\' => \'&laquo;\',
        \'¬\' => \'&not;\',
        \'­\' => \'&shy;\',
        \'®\' => \'&reg;\',
        \'¯\' => \'&macr;\',
        \'°\' => \'&deg;\',
        \'±\' => \'&plusmn;\',
        \'²\' => \'&sup2;\',
        \'³\' => \'&sup3;\',
        \'´\' => \'&acute;\',
        \'·\' => \'&middot;\',
        \'¸\' => \'&cedil;\',
        \'¹\' => \'&sup1;\',
        \'º\' => \'&ordm;\',
        \'»\' => \'&raquo;\',
        \'¼\' => \'&frac14;\',
        \'½\' => \'&frac12;\',
        \'¾\' => \'&frac34;\',
        \'¿\' => \'&iquest;\',
    // Function:         ResynchronizeAutoArchive
    // Description:      Auto-Archives News
    function ResynchronizeAutoArchive(){
             global $cutepath, $config_auto_archive, $config_notify_email,$config_notify_archive,$config_notify_status;
     $count_news = count(file(\"$cutepath/data/news.txt\"));
     if($count_news > 1){
             if($config_auto_archive == \"yes\"){
             $now[year] = date(\"Y\");
             $now[month] = date(\"n\");
             $db_content = file(\"$cutepath/data/auto_archive.db.php\");
             list($last_archived[year], $last_archived[month]) = split(\"\\|\", $db_content[0] );
    $tmp_now_sum = $now[year] . sprintf(\"%02d\", $now[month]) ;
    $tmp_last_sum = (int)$last_archived[year] . sprintf(\"%02d\", (int)$last_archived[month]) ;
             if($tmp_now_sum > $tmp_last_sum){
                $error = FALSE;
                $arch_name = time();
                if(!@copy(\"$cutepath/data/news.txt\",\"$cutepath/data/archives/$arch_name.news.arch\"))          { $error = \"Can not copy news.txt from data/ to data/archives\"; }
                if(!@copy(\"$cutepath/data/comments.txt\",\"$cutepath/data/archives/$arch_name.comments.arch\"))  { $error = \"Can not copy comments.txt from data/ to data/archives\"; }
                $handle = fopen(\"$cutepath/data/news.txt\",\"w\") or $error = \"Can not open news.txt\";
                $handle = fopen(\"$cutepath/data/comments.txt\",\"w\") or $error = \"Can not open comments.txt\";
                $fp = @fopen(\"$cutepath/data/auto_archive.db.php\", \"w\");
                @flock ($fp,2);
                if(!$errors){ fwrite($fp, $now[year].\"|\".$now[month].\"\\n\"); }
                else{ fwrite($fp, \"0|0|$error\\n\"); }
                foreach($db_content as $line){
                        @fwrite($fp, $line);
                @flock ($fp,3);
                if($config_notify_archive == \"yes\" and $config_notify_status == \"active\"){
                   send_mail(\"$config_notify_email\", \"CuteNews - AutoArchive was Performed\", \"CuteNews has performed the AutoArchive function.\\n$count_news News Articles were archived.\\n$error\");
    // Function:         ResynchronizePostponed
    // Description:      Refreshes the Postponed News file.
    function ResynchronizePostponed(){
             global $cutepath,$config_notify_postponed,$config_notify_status,$config_notify_email;
             $all_postponed_db = file(\"$cutepath/data/postponed_news.txt\");
                 $new_postponed_db = fopen(\"$cutepath/data/postponed_news.txt\", w);
                 @flock ($new_postponed_db,2);
                 $now_date = time();
                 foreach ($all_postponed_db as $p_line){
                     $p_item_db = explode(\"|\",$p_line);
                     if($p_item_db[0] <= $now_date){
                     // Item is old and must be Activated, add it to news.txt
                             $all_active_db = file(\"$cutepath/data/news.txt\");
                             $active_news_file = fopen(\"$cutepath/data/news.txt\", \"w\");
                             @flock ($active_news_file,2);
                             foreach ($all_active_db as $active_line){ fwrite($active_news_file, \"$active_line\");}
                             @flock ($active_news_file,3);
                if($config_notify_postponed == \"yes\" and $config_notify_status == \"active\"){
                   send_mail(\"$config_notify_email\", \"CuteNews - Postponed article was Activated\", \"CuteNews has activated the article \'$p_item_db[2]\'\");
                     // Item is still postponed
                @flock ($new_postponed_db,3);
    // Function:         send_mail
    // Description:      sends mail ... huh :)
    function send_mail($to, $subject, $message){
    if(!isset($to) or !$to or $to == \'\'){   }else{
             $tos = FALSE;
             $to = str_replace(\' \', \'\', $to);
             if(eregi(\',\', \'\')){
                $tos = explode(\',\', $to);
             $from = \'CuteNews@\' . $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'];
             $headers = \'\';
             $headers .= \"From: $from\\n\";
             $headers .= \"Reply-to: $from\\n\";
             $headers .= \"Return-Path: $from\\n\";
             $headers .= \"Message-ID: <\" . md5(uniqid(time())) . \"@\" . $_SERVER[\'SERVER_NAME\'] . \">\\n\";
             $headers .= \"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\";
             $headers .= \"Content-type: text/plain;\\n\";
             $headers .= \"Date: \" . date(\'r\', time()) . \"\\n\";
                foreach($tos as $my_to){
             }else{ @mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); }
    // Function:         formatsize
    // Description: Format the size of given file
    function formatsize($file_size){
        if($file_size >= 1073741824)
                {$file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . \"Gb\";}
        elseif($file_size >= 1048576)
                {$file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . \"Mb\";}
        elseif($file_size >= 1024)
                {$file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . \"Kb\";}
        else{$file_size = $file_size . \"b\";}
    return $file_size;
    // Class:         microTimer
    // Description: calculates the micro time
    class microTimer {
        function start() {
            global $starttime;
            $mtime = microtime ();
            $mtime = explode (\' \', $mtime);
            $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
            $starttime = $mtime;
        function stop() {
            global $starttime;
            $mtime = microtime ();
            $mtime = explode (\' \', $mtime);
            $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
            $endtime = $mtime;
            $totaltime = round (($endtime - $starttime), 5);
            return $totaltime;
    // Function:         check_login
    // Description: Check login information
    function check_login($username, $md5_password){
            $result = FALSE;
        $full_member_db = file(\"./data/users.db.php\");
        global $member_db;
        foreach($full_member_db as $member_db_line)
                    $member_db = explode(\"|\",$member_db_line);
                    if(strtolower($member_db[2]) == strtolower($username) && $member_db[3] == $md5_password)
                                    $result = TRUE;
            return $result;
    // Function:         cute_query_string
    // Description: Format the Query_String for CuteNews purpuses index.php?
    function cute_query_string($q_string, $strips, $type=\"get\"){
            foreach($strips as $key){
                    $strips[$key] = TRUE;
            $var_value = explode(\"&\", $q_string);
        foreach($var_value as $var_peace){
            $parts = explode(\"=\", $var_peace);
            if($strips[$parts[0]] != TRUE and $parts[0] != \"\"){
                            if($type == \"post\"){
                        $my_q .= \"<input type=\\\"hidden\\\" name=\\\"\".@htmlspecialchars($parts[0]).\"\\\" value=\\\"\".@htmlspecialchars($parts[1]).\"\\\" />\\n\";
                        $my_q .= \"$var_peace&amp;\";
    if( substr($my_q, -5) == \"&amp;\" ){ $my_q = substr($my_q, 0, -5); }
    return $my_q;
    // Function:        Flooder
    // Description: Flood Protection Function
    function flooder($ip, $comid){
        global $cutepath, $config_flood_time;
        $old_db = file(\"$cutepath/data/flood.db.php\");
        $new_db = fopen(\"$cutepath/data/flood.db.php\", w);
        $result = FALSE;
        foreach($old_db as $old_db_line){
            $old_db_arr = explode(\"|\", $old_db_line);
            if(($old_db_arr[0] + $config_flood_time) > time() ){
                    fwrite($new_db, $old_db_line);
                    if($old_db_arr[1] == $ip and $old_db_arr[2] == $comid)
                { $result = TRUE; }
        return $result;
    // Function:         msg
    // Description: Displays message to user
    function msg($type, $title, $text, $back=FALSE){
      echoheader($type, $title);
      global $lang;
              echo\"<table border=0 cellpading=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td >$text\";
                    echo\"<br /><br> <a href=\\\"$back\\\">go back</a>\";
    // Function:         echoheader
    // Description: Displays header skin
    function echoheader($image, $header_text){
            global $PHP_SELF, $is_loged_in, $config_skin, $skin_header, $lang_content_type, $skin_menu, $skin_prefix, $config_version_name;
        if($is_loged_in == TRUE){ $skin_header = preg_replace(\"/{menu}/\", \"$skin_menu\", \"$skin_header\"); }
        else { $skin_header = preg_replace(\"/{menu}/\", \" &nbsp; $config_version_name\", \"$skin_header\"); }
        $skin_header = get_skin($skin_header);
        $skin_header = preg_replace(\"/{image-name}/\", \"${skin_prefix}${image}\", $skin_header);
        $skin_header = preg_replace(\"/{header-text}/\", $header_text, $skin_header);
        $skin_header = preg_replace(\"/{content-type}/\", $lang_content_type, $skin_header);
        echo $skin_header;
    // Function:         echofooter
    // Description: Displays footer skin
    function echofooter(){
            global $PHP_SELF, $is_loged_in, $config_skin, $skin_footer, $lang_content_type, $skin_menu, $skin_prefix, $config_version_name;
        if($is_loged_in == TRUE){ $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{menu}/\", \"$skin_menu\", \"$skin_footer\"); }
        else { $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{menu}/\", \" &nbsp; $config_version_name\", \"$skin_footer\"); }
        $skin_footer = get_skin($skin_footer);
        $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{image-name}/\", \"${skin_prefix}${image}\", $skin_footer);
        $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{header-text}/\", $header_text, $skin_footer);
        $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{content-type}/\", $lang_content_type, $skin_footer);
        // Do not remove the Copyrights!
        $skin_footer = preg_replace(\"/{copyrights}/\", \"<div style=\'font-size: 9px\'>Powered by <a style=\'font-size: 9px\' href=\\\"http://cutephp.com/cutenews/\\\" target=_blank>$config_version_name</a> © 2005  <a style=\'font-size: 9px\' href=\\\"http://cutephp.com/\\\" target=_blank>CutePHP</a>.</div>\", $skin_footer);
        echo $skin_footer;
    // Function:         b64dck
    // Description: And the duck fly away.
    function b64dck(){
        $cr = bd_config(\'e2NvcHlyaWdodHN9\');$shder = bd_config(\'c2tpbl9oZWFkZXI=\');$sfter = bd_config(\'c2tpbl9mb290ZXI=\');
            global $$shder,$$sfter;
        $HDpnlty = bd_config(\'PGNlbnRlcj48aDE+Q3V0ZU5ld3M8L2gxPjxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly9jdXRlcGhwLmNvbSI+Q3V0ZVBIUC5jb208L2E+PC9jZW50ZXI+PGJyPg==\');
        $FTpnlty = bd_config(\'PGNlbnRlcj48ZGl2IGRpc3BsYXk9aW5saW5lIHN0eWxlPVwnZm9udC1zaXplOiAxMXB4XCc+UG93ZXJlZCBieSA8YSBzdHlsZT1cJ2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTFweFwnIGhyZWY9XCJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vY3V0ZW5ld3MvXCIgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz5DdXRlTmV3czwvYT4gqSAyMDA1ICA8YSBzdHlsZT1cJ2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogMTFweFwnIGhyZWY9XCJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vXCIgdGFyZ2V0PV9ibGFuaz5DdXRlUEhQPC9hPi48L2Rpdj48L2NlbnRlcj4=\');
            if(!stristr($$shder,$cr) and !stristr($$sfter,$cr)){ $$shder = $HDpnlty.$$shder; $$sfter = $$sfter.$FTpnlty; }
    // Function:         CountComments
    // Description: Count How Many Comments Have a Specific Article
    function CountComments($id, $archive = FALSE){
        global $cutepath;
        if($cutepath == \"\"){ $cutepath = \".\"; }
        $result = \"0\";
        if($archive and ($archive != \"postponed\" and $archive != \"unapproved\")){ $all_comments = file(\"$cutepath/data/archives/${archive}.comments.arch\"); }
        else{ $all_comments = file(\"$cutepath/data/comments.txt\"); }
        foreach($all_comments as $comment_line)
                    $comment_arr_1 = explode(\"|>|\", $comment_line);
            if($comment_arr_1[0] == $id)
                            $comment_arr_2 = explode(\"||\", $comment_arr_1[1]);
                $result = count($comment_arr_2)-1;
    return $result;
    // Function:         insertSmilies
    // Description: insert smilies for adding into news/comments
    function insertSmilies($insert_location, $break_location = FALSE, $admincp = FALSE, $wysiwyg = FALSE)
        global $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies;
        $smilies = explode(\",\", $config_smilies);
            foreach($smilies as $smile)
            $i++; $smile = trim($smile);
    //                       $advanced_smile = \"&lt;img alt=\\\':$smile:\\\' src=\\\'data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\' /&gt;\";
      //                     $output .= \"<a href=# onclick=\\\"javascript:InsertIntoArea(\'$insert_location\',\'$advanced_smile\'); return false;\\\"><img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" /></a>\";
                           $output .= \"<a href=# onclick=\\\"document.getElementById(\'$insert_location\').contentWindow.document.execCommand(\'InsertImage\', false, \'$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\'); return false;\\\"><img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" /></a>\";
                        else{ $output .= \"<a href=# onclick=\\\"javascript:document.getElementById(\'$insert_location\').value += \' :$smile:\'; return false;\\\"><img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" /></a>\"; }
                        $output .= \"<a href=\\\"javascript:insertext(\':$smile:\',\'$insert_location\')\\\"><img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" /></a>\";
                    if( isset($break_location) && $i%$break_location == 10 )
                            $output .= \"<br />\";
                    }else{ $output .= \"&nbsp;\"; }
            return $output;
    // Function:         replace_comments
    // Description: Replaces comments charactars
    function replace_comment($way, $sourse){
        global $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS, $config_allow_html_in_news, $config_allow_html_in_comments, $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies;
        $sourse = stripslashes(trim($sourse));
            if($way == \"add\"){
                    $find = array(
                    $replace = array(
                                            \" <br />\",
        elseif($way == \"show\"){
                    $find = array(
                    $replace = array(
                                            \"<span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\">\\\\1</span>\",
                                            \"<a href=\\\"\\\\1\\\">\\\\1</a>\",
                                            \"<a href=\\\"\\\\1\\\">\\\\2</a>\",
                                    \"<blockquote><div style=\\\"font-size: 13px;\\\">quote (\\\\1):</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /><div>\\\\2</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /></blockquote>\",
                                    \"<blockquote><div style=\\\"font-size: 13px;\\\">quote:</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /><div>\\\\1</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /></blockquote>\",
                    $smilies_arr = explode(\",\", $config_smilies);
                foreach($smilies_arr as $smile){
                    $smile = trim($smile);
                    $find[] = \"\':$smile:\'\";
                    $replace[] = \"<img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" />\";
    $sourse  = preg_replace($find,$replace,$sourse);
               foreach ( $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS as $key=>$value  ){
                         $sourse = str_replace($key,$value,$sourse);
    return $sourse;
    // Function:         rteSafe
    // Description: safe data for the RTE
    function rteSafe($strText) {
            //returns safe code for preloading in the RTE
            $tmpString = $strText;
            //convert all types of single quotes
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(145), chr(39), $tmpString);
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(146), chr(39), $tmpString);
            $tmpString = str_replace(\"\'\", \"&#39;\", $tmpString);
            //convert all types of double quotes
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(147), chr(34), $tmpString);
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(148), chr(34), $tmpString);
    //        $tmpString = str_replace(\"\\\"\", \"&quot;\", $tmpString); // we are pasting the content within \'\' quotes so \" are valid
            //replace carriage returns & line feeds
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(10), \" \", $tmpString);
            $tmpString = str_replace(chr(13), \" \", $tmpString);
            return $tmpString;
    // Function:         get_skin
    // Description: Hello skin!
    function get_skin($skin){
             if(!file_exists(\'./data/reg.php\')){ $stts = base64_decode(\'KHVucmVnaXN0ZXJlZCk=\'); }
                  if(preg_match(\'/\\\\A(\\\\w{6})-\\\\w{6}-\\\\w{6}\\\\z/\', $reg_site_key, $mmbrid)){
                     if(!isset($reg_display_name) or !$reg_display_name or $reg_display_name == \'\'){
                         $stts = \"<!-- (-$mmbrid[1]-) -->\";
                         $stts = \"<label title=\'(-$mmbrid[1]-)\'>\". base64_decode(\'TGljZW5zZWQgdG86IA==\').$reg_display_name.\'</label>\';
                  else{ $stts = \'!\'.base64_decode(\'KHVucmVnaXN0ZXJlZCk=\').\'!\';  }
        $msn = bd_config(\'c2tpbg==\');
        $cr = bd_config(\'e2NvcHlyaWdodHN9\');
        $lct = bd_config(\'PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0nZm9udC1zaXplOiA5cHgnPlBvd2VyZWQgYnkgPGEgc3R5bGU9J2ZvbnQtc2l6ZTogOXB4JyBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vY3V0ZXBocC5jb20vY3V0ZW5ld3MvIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayI+Q3V0ZU5ld3MgMS40LjU8L2E+ICCpIDIwMDYgIDxhIHN0eWxlPSdmb250LXNpemU6IDlweCcgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2N1dGVwaHAuY29tLyIgdGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPkN1dGVQSFA8L2E+Ljxicj57bC1zdGF0dXN9PC9kaXY+\');
        $lct = preg_replace(\"/{l-status}/\", $stts, $lct);
        $$msn = preg_replace(\"/$cr/\", $lct, $$msn);
        return $$msn;
    // Function:         replace_news
    // Description: Replaces news charactars
    function replace_news($way, $sourse, $replce_n_to_br=TRUE, $use_html=TRUE){
        global $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS, $config_allow_html_in_news, $config_allow_html_in_comments, $config_http_script_dir, $config_smilies;
        $sourse = stripslashes($sourse);
        if($way == \"show\")
                    $find= array(
    /* 1 */                              \"\'\\[upimage=([^\\]]*?) ([^\\]]*?)\\]\'i\",
    /* 2 */                                        \"\'\\[upimage=(.*?)\\]\'i\",
    /* 3 */                                        \"\'\\[b\\](.*?)\\[/b\\]\'i\",
    /* 4 */                                        \"\'\\[i\\](.*?)\\[/i\\]\'i\",
    /* 5 */                                        \"\'\\[u\\](.*?)\\[/u\\]\'i\",
    /* 6 */                                        \"\'\\[link\\](.*?)\\[/link\\]\'i\",
    /* 7 */                                        \"\'\\[color=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/color\\]\'i\",
    /* 8 */                                        \"\'\\[size=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/size\\]\'i\",
    /* 9 */                                        \"\'\\[font=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/font\\]\'i\",
    /* 10 */                                 \"\'\\[align=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/align\\]\'i\",
    /* 12 */                                 \"\'\\[image=(.*?)\\]\'i\",
    /* 13 */                                 \"\'\\[link=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/link\\]\'i\",
    /* 14 */                \"\'\\[quote=(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/quote\\]\'i\",
    /* 15 */                \"\'\\[quote\\](.*?)\\[/quote\\]\'i\",
    /* 16 */                \"\'\\[list\\]\'i\",
    /* 17 */                \"\'\\[/list\\]\'i\",
    /* 18 */                \"\'\\[\\*\\]\'i\",
    /* 1 */                                        \"<img \\\\2 src=\\\"${config_http_script_dir}/skins/images/upskins/images/\\\\1\\\" style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" />\",
    /* 2 */                                        \"<img src=\\\"${config_http_script_dir}/skins/images/upskins/images/\\\\1\\\" style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" />\",
    /* 3 */                                        \"<strong>\\\\1</strong>\",
    /* 4 */                                        \"\\\\1\",
    /* 5 */                                        \"<span style=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\">\\\\1</span>\",
    /* 6 */                                        \"<a href=\\\"\\\\1\\\">\\\\1</a>\",
    /* 7 */                                        \"<span style=\\\"color: \\\\1;\\\">\\\\2</span>\",
    /* 8 */                                        \"<span style=\\\"font-size: \\\\1pt;\\\">\\\\2</span>\",
    /* 9 */                                        \"<span style=\\\"font-family: \\\\1;\\\">\\\\2</span>\",
    /* 10 */                                \"<div style=\\\"text-align: \\\\1;\\\">\\\\2</div>\",
    /* 12 */                                \"<img src=\\\"\\\\1\\\" style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" />\",
    /* 13 */                                \"<a href=\\\"\\\\1\\\">\\\\2</a>\",
    /* 14 */                                \"<blockquote><div style=\\\"font-size: 13px;\\\">quote (\\\\1):</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /><div>\\\\2</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /></blockquote>\",
    /* 15 */                                \"<blockquote><div style=\\\"font-size: 13px;\\\">quote:</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /><div>\\\\1</div><hr style=\\\"border: 1px solid #ACA899;\\\" /></blockquote>\",
    /* 16 */                                \"<ul>\",
    /* 17 */                                \"</ul>\",
    /* 18 */                                \"<li>\",
                $smilies_arr = explode(\",\", $config_smilies);
                foreach($smilies_arr as $smile){
                    $smile = trim($smile);
                    $find[] = \"\':$smile:\'\";
                    $replace[] = \"<img style=\\\"border: none;\\\" alt=\\\"$smile\\\" src=\\\"$config_http_script_dir/data/emoticons/$smile.gif\\\" />\";
        elseif($way == \"add\"){
                    $find = array(
                    $replace = array(
                    if($use_html != TRUE){
                    $find[]         = \"\'<\'\";
                    $find[]         = \"\'>\'\";
                            $replace[]         = \"&lt;\";
                            $replace[]         = \"&gt;\";
                    if($replce_n_to_br == TRUE){
                    $find[]         = \"\'\\n\'\";
                            $replace[]         = \"<br />\";
                    $find[]         = \"\'\\n\'\";
                            $replace[]         = \"{nl}\";
        elseif($way == \"admin\"){
                    $find = array(
                    $replace = array(
                    //this is for \'edit news\' section when we use WYSIWYG
                    if(!$replce_n_to_br){$find[] = \"\'<br />\'\"; }
                    if(!$replce_n_to_br){$replace[] = \"\\n\"; }
    $sourse  = preg_replace($find,$replace,$sourse);
               foreach ( $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS as $key=>$value  ){
                         $sourse = str_replace($key,$value,$sourse);
    return $sourse;
    function bd_config($str){
            return base64_decode($str);

    Beitrag geändert: 8.2.2008 12:06:57 von schranz-club

    Beitrag geändert: 8.2.2008 12:08:54 von schranz-club

    Beitrag geändert: 8.2.2008 12:15:12 von schranz-club
  • in: The next Uri Geller

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    Letzte folge fand ich nich schlecht das eine mit Bolzenschuss dings hät so gelacht wenn das schief gegangen wäre der qaurk ^^ aber ist eh alles getrickst ^^
  • in: Alkohol ab 18???

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    Und das ist auch gut so ^^ Alkohol ab 18 ^^ die besorgen sich das trozdem auch wenns son verbot geben würde
  • in: Einbinden von flashgames in html Seite

    geschrieben von schranz-club

    Einbinden von flashgames fertige lizenz freie games !
    in eine html seite wie lautet da der Code zum einbinden
  • in: Games

    geschrieben von schranz-club


    wo gibst die ? und wie bindet man diese ein Dankü

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