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    Es ist ein kleines filehoster script bei dem ich nicht die Stelle finde in der steht das es richtig hochgeladen wurde und ausgegeben wird:
    class chip_upload {
    	private $upload_hook = array();
    	private $args = array (
    						'upload_file'		=>	NULL,
    						'upload_directory'	=>	NULL,
    						'allowed_size'		=>	512000,						
    						'extension_check'	=>	TRUE,
    						'upload_overwrite'	=>	FALSE,
    	private $allowed_extensions = array (
    						/* Archives */
    						'zip'	=> TRUE,
    						'7z'	=> TRUE,
    					  	/* Documents */
    					  	'txt'	=> TRUE,
    						'pdf'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'doc' 	=> TRUE,
    					  	'xls'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'ppt'	=> TRUE,
    					  	/* Executables */
    					  	'exe'	=> FALSE,
    					  	/* Images */
    					  	'gif'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'png'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'jpg'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'jpeg'	=> TRUE,
    					  	/* Audio */
    					  	'mp3'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'wav'	=> TRUE,
    					  	/* Video */
    					  	'mpeg'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'mpg'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'mpe'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'mov'	=> TRUE,
    					  	'avi'	=> TRUE
    	| Constructor
    	| @public
    	| @param array $args
    	| @param array $allowed_extensions
    	public function __construct() {
    	| Print variable in readable format
    	| @public
    	| @param string|array|object $var
    	public function chip_print( $var ) { 
    		echo "<pre>";
       	 	echo "</pre>";
    	| Update default arguments
    	| It will update default array of class i.e $args
    	| @private
    	| @param array $args - input arguments
    	| @param array $defatuls - default arguments 
    	| @return array
    	private function chip_parse_args( $args = array(), $defaults = array() ) { 
    		return array_merge( $defaults, $args );	 
    	| Get extension and name of file
    	| @private
    	| @param string $file_name 
    	| @return array - having file_name and file_ext
    	private function chip_extension($file_name) {
    		$temp = array();
    		$temp['file_name'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, 0, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) ) );
    	    $temp['file_extension'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) + 1 ) );
    		return $temp;
    	| Get safe string
    	| @private
    	| @param string $var 
    	| @return string
    	public function chip_safe_string( $var = "", $separator = "" ) {
    		return preg_replace('|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|',$separator,$var);
    	| Get error status of uploaded file
    	| @private
    	| @param integer $error_code
    	| @return string
    	private function chip_upload_error( $error_code ) {
    		switch ( $error_code ) {
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
    			   	$error = "All OK";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
    			   	$error = "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive (".ini_get("upload_max_filesize").") in php.ini.";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
    			   	$error = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
    				$error = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
    				$error = "No file was uploaded.";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
    				$error = "Missing a temporary folder.";
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
    				$error = "Failed to write file to disk.";
    				$error = "Unknown Error.";
    		return $error;
    	| Set default arguments
    	| It will set default array of class i.e $args
    	| @private
    	| @param array $args
    	| @return 0
    	private function set_args( $args = array() ) { 
    		$defaults = $this->get_args();
    		$args = $this->chip_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    		$this->args = $args;	 
    	| Get default arguments
    	| It will get default array of class i.e $args
    	| @public
    	| @return array
    	public function get_args() { 
    		return $this->args;	 
    	| Set default allowed extensions
    	| It will set default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
    	| @private
    	| @param array $allowed_extensions
    	| @return 0
    	private function set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions = array() ) { 
    		$defaults = $this->get_allowed_extensions();
    		$allowed_extensions = $this->chip_parse_args( $allowed_extensions, $defaults );
    		$this->allowed_extensions = $allowed_extensions;	 
    	| Get default allowed extensions
    	| It will get default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions
    	| @public
    	| @return array
    	public function get_allowed_extensions() { 
    		return $this->allowed_extensions;	 
    	| Set Upload Var
    	| It will set upload variable
    	| @private
    	| @param string $upload_directory
    	! @return boolean
    	private function set_upload_var( $files ) { 
    		$temp = array();
    		$files_upload_attributes = array( 'name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size' );
    		//$this->chip_print( $files );
    		$upload_files = count( $files['name'] );
    		$upload_files = ( !empty( $upload_files ) ) ? $upload_files : 0 ;  		
    		$foreachindex = 0;
    		for( $i = 1; $i <= $upload_files; $i++ ) {
    			foreach( $files_upload_attributes as $val ) {				
    				$temp[$i][$val] =  $files[$val][$foreachindex];	
    				if( $val == "error" ) {
    					$temp[$i]['error_status'] = $this->chip_upload_error( $files[$val][$foreachindex] );
    		return $temp;
    	| Get Upload Var
    	| It will set upload variable
    	| @private
    	| @param array $files
    	! @return array
    	public function get_upload_var( $files = array() ) { 
    		return $this->set_upload_var( $files );
    	| Set Directory Path
    	| It will validate upload directory
    	| @private
    	| @param string $upload_directory
    	! @return boolean
    	private function set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) { 
    		if( is_dir( $upload_directory ) ) {
    			return 1;
    		return 0;
    	| Set Directory Writable
    	| It will validate writable directory
    	| @private
    	| @param string $upload_directory
    	! @return boolean
    	private function set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) { 
    		if( is_writable( $upload_directory ) ) {
    			return 1;
    		return 0;
    	| Set Upload Hook
    	| It will set upload hook
    	| @private
    	| @param array $var
    	private function set_upload_hook( $var = array() ) { 		
    		$this->upload_hook = $var;			 
    	| Get Upload Hook
    	| It will Get upload hook
    	| @public
    	| @param array $var
    	public function get_upload_hook() { 		
    		return $this->upload_hook;			 
    	| Set Upload
    	| It will upload file.
    	| @private
    	! @return array
    	public function set_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions ) { 
    		/* Arguments */
    		$this->set_args( $args );
    		$args = $this->get_args();
    		//$this->chip_print( $args );
    		extract( $args );
    		/* Allowed Extensions */
    		$this->set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions );
    		$allowed_extensions = $this->get_allowed_extensions();
    		//$this->chip_print( $allowed_extensions );
    		/* Output */
    		$temp = array();
    		$temp['upload_directory'] = "Invalid - " . $upload_directory;
    		$temp['upload_directory_writable'] = "Invalid - Directory is not writable";
    		$temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Invalid - Extension is not allowed";
    		$temp['upload_file_size'] = "Invalid - Size " . $upload_file['size'] . " bytes";
    		$temp['upload_process'] = 0;
    		$temp['upload_move'] = FALSE;
    		$temp['upload_overwrite'] = $upload_overwrite;
    		/* Submitted Data */
    		$temp['upload_file']['name'] = $upload_file['name'];
    		$temp['upload_file']['type'] = $upload_file['type'];
    		$temp['upload_file']['tmp_name'] = $upload_file['tmp_name'];
    		$temp['upload_file']['error'] = $upload_file['error'];
    		$temp['upload_file']['error_status'] = $upload_file['error_status'];
    		$temp['upload_file']['size'] = $upload_file['size'];
    		| Set 1 - Directory Path Validation
    		if( !empty($upload_directory) ) {
    			/* Upload Directory Path Validation */
    			if ( $this->set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) ) {
    				$temp['upload_directory'] = "Valid - " . $upload_directory;
    				| Set 2 - Directory Write Permissions
    				if ( $this->set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) ) {
    					$temp['upload_directory_writable'] = "Valid - Directory is writable";
    					$temp['upload_file']['directory'] = $upload_directory;
    				} // if ( $this->set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) )
    			} // if ( $this->set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) )
    		} // if( !empty($upload_directory) )
    		if ( !empty( $upload_file['name'] ) ) {
    			| Set 3 - Extension Validation
    			/* File Name and Extension */
    			$nameext = $this->chip_extension( $upload_file['name'] );
    			$file_name = $nameext['file_name'];
    			$file_extension = $nameext['file_extension'];
    			$temp['upload_file']['nameonly'] = $file_name;
    			$temp['upload_file']['extension'] = $file_extension;
    			/* Allowed Extension - Validation */
    			if ( $extension_check == FALSE ) {
    				$temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Valid - Extension is allowed";
    			else if ( array_key_exists( $file_extension, $allowed_extensions ) && $allowed_extensions[$file_extension] == TRUE ) {
    				$temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Valid - Extension is allowed";
    			| Set 4 - Size Validation
    			/* Allowed Size Manipulation*/
    			if ( $allowed_size >= $upload_file['size'] ) {
    				$temp['upload_file_size'] = "Valid - Size " . $upload_file['size'] . " bytes";
    		} // if ( !empty( $upload_file['name'] ) )
    		| Upload Move Status
    		if ( $temp['upload_process'] == 4 && is_uploaded_file( $upload_file['tmp_name'] ) && $upload_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) {		
    			$temp['upload_move'] = TRUE;
    		| Upload Hook
    		$this->set_upload_hook( $temp );
    		//$this->chip_print( $temp );
    		return $temp;
    	| Get Upload
    	| It will upload file.
    	| @public
    	! @return array
    	public function get_upload( $args = array(), $allowed_extensions = array() ) { 
    		return $this->set_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions );	 
    	| Set Upload Move
    	| It will upload file.
    	| @public
    	! @return array
    	public function set_upload_move( $name ) { 
    		/* Output */
    		$temp = array();		
    		/* Upload Hook */
    		$upload_hook = $this->get_upload_hook();
    		if ( $upload_hook['upload_move'] == TRUE ) {
    			| Move Upload Manipulation
            	$name = ( !empty( $name ) ) ? $name : $upload_hook['upload_file']['nameonly'];
    			$name = $this->chip_safe_string( $name );
    			$extension = $upload_hook['upload_file']['extension'];
    			$temp_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['tmp_name'];
    			$dest_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['directory'] . $name . "." . $extension;
    			| Overwrite Validation
    			if ( $upload_hook['upload_overwrite'] == FALSE ) {
    				if ( file_exists( $dest_name ) ) {
    					$i = 1;
    					$max_loops = 100;
    					while ( file_exists( $dest_name ) && $i <= $max_loops ) {
    						$name_new = $name . "_" . $i;
    						$name_new = $this->chip_safe_string( $name_new );
    						$dest_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['directory'] . $name_new . "." . $extension;
    					} // while ( file_exists( $dest_name ) )
    				} // if ( file_exists( $dest_name ) )
    			| Move File
    			$name = ( empty($name_new) ) ? $name : $name_new ;			
    			if ( move_uploaded_file( $temp_name, $dest_name ) ) {
    				$temp['uploaded_status'] = TRUE;
    				$temp['uploaded_file'] = $name;
    				$temp['uploaded_extension'] = $extension;
    				$temp['uploaded_directory'] = $dest_name;
    			} else {
    				$temp['uploaded_status'] = FALSE;
    				$temp['uploaded_file'] = $name;
    				$temp['uploaded_extension'] = $extension;
    				$temp['uploaded_directory'] = $dest_name;
    			} // if ( move_uploaded_file( $temp_name, $dest_name ) )
    		return $temp;
    		//return $this->set_upload_move( $name );	 
    	| Get Upload Move
    	| It will upload file.
    	| @public
    	| @param string $name
    	! @return array
    	public function get_upload_move( $name = FALSE ) { 
    		return $this->set_upload_move( $name );	 
    	| Destructor
    	public function __destruct() {
  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. so ein bauchgefühl (Line: 134):
    	| Get error status of uploaded file
    	| @private
    	| @param integer $error_code
    	| @return string
    	private function chip_upload_error( $error_code ) {
    		switch ( $error_code ) {
    		   case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
    			   	$error = "All OK";
    und natürlich dazu (Line: 502):
    		| Upload Move Status
    		if ( $temp['upload_process'] == 4 && is_uploaded_file( $upload_file['tmp_name'] ) && $upload_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) {		
    			$temp['upload_move'] = TRUE;

    Beitrag zuletzt geändert: 22.1.2012 19:44:42 von hemiolos
  4. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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