kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

prob mit php suche

lima-cityForumProgrammiersprachenPHP, MySQL & .htaccess

  1. Autor dieses Themas


    Kostenloser Webspace von re-aktor

    re-aktor hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    hallo wenn ihr mal auf diese seite geht (bitte KEINE links posten!):
    seht ihr links die suche! wenn ich dort etwas eintippe zeigt er einem die ergbenisse als neue seite, also nicht im template!
    wie kann ich das ?ndern???

    so sieht die search.php aus:
    /*                         (c) CN-Software CNCat                              */
    /*                                                                            */
    /*  Do not change this file, if you want to easily upgrade                    */
    /*  to newer versions of CNCat. To change appearance set up files: _top.php,  */
    /* _bottom.php and config.php                                                 */
    /*                                                                            */
    require "config.php";
    require "lang/".$LANGFILE;
    $r=mysql_query("SELECT name,html FROM ".$db["prefix"]."templates;") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($a=mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $TMPL[$a["name"]]=$a["html"];
    function hl($str) {
    	GLOBAL $lq;
    	$str=" ".$str;
    	$ph=explode(" ",$lq);
    	$lstr=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT lower('$str')"),0,0);
    	for ($i=0;$i<count($ph);$i++) {
    		$lstr=eregi_replace($ph[$i],"<b><font color=red>".$ph[$i]."</font></b>",$lstr);
    	while ($p1!=0 && $p2!=0) {
    		if (($p1=strpos($lstr,"<b><font color=red>"))!=0) {
    			$str=substr($str,0,$p1)."<b><font color=red>".substr($str,$p1);
    			if (($p2=strpos($lstr,"</font></b>"))!=0) {
    print $template;
    print $template;
    print $sform;
    if (empty($q)) {
    	print "<P><font color=red>".$LANG["emptyquery"]."</font></P>";
    else {
    	$order="ORDER BY gin DESC,gout DESC";
    	if ($o==1) $order="ORDER BY title";
    	if ($o==2) $order="ORDER BY moder_vote DESC";
    	$lq=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT lower('$q');"),0,0);
    	$uq=mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT upper('$q');"),0,0);
    	/* ID Search */
    	if (substr($q,0,3)=="id:") {
    	/* URL Search */
    	if (substr($q,0,4)=="url:") {
    		if (substr($tq,0,7)!="http://") $tq="http://".$tq;
    		$likes="UPPER(url) like '".$tq."%'";
    	/*  */
    	if (substr($q,0,6)=="&quot;" && substr($q,-6)=="&quot;") {
    		$likes.=" OR UPPER(description) regexp '[[:<:]]".$uq."[[:>:]]'";
    		$likes.=" OR UPPER(title) regexp '[[:<:]]".$uq."[[:>:]]'";
    		$likes.=" OR UPPER(url) regexp '[[:<:]]".$uq."[[:>:]]'";
    	/* Simle search */
    	if ($is==0) {
    		$ph=explode(" ",$uq);
    		for ($i=0;$i<count($ph);$i++) {
    			$likes.=" OR UPPER(description) like '$pq'";
    			$likes.=" OR UPPER(title) like '$pq'";
    			$likes.=" OR UPPER(url) like '$pq'";
    	$rr=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".$db["prefix"]."main WHERE type=1 AND ($likes)") or die(mysql_error());
    	$r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db["prefix"]."main WHERE type=1 AND ($likes) $order LIMIT $start,10") or die(mysql_error());
    	print $template;
    	while ($ar=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
    		if ($_SESSION["cncatsid"]=="thisissomestring") {
    			$admin.="<font color=gray size=-3> [<a href=admin/edit.php?lid=".$ar["lid"]."&type=255 class=slink>".$LANG["edit"]."</a>] ";
    			$admin.="[<a href=admin/moveto.php?lid=".$ar["lid"]."&type=1&to=2 class=slink>".$LANG["delete"]."</a>] [";
    			for ($j=1;$j<11;$j++) {
    				if ($j==$ar["moder_vote"]) $admin.="<B>".$j."</B> ";
    				else $admin.="<a href=admin/vote.php?lid=".$ar["lid"]."&vote=$j&type=255 class=slink>".$j."</a> ";
    		$template=str_replace("%BEST","<img src=./cat/star.gif width=15 height=16 hspace=3>",$template);
    		print $template;
    print "</OL>";
    if ($c==0) {
    	print "<P>".$LANG["notfound"]."</P>\n";
    print "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#E0E0E0><tr><td><img src=./cat/none.gif width=1 height=1></td></tr></table>";
    print "<P>".$LANG["pagesfound"].": <B>".$total."</B>";
    if ($total>$pp) {
    	print "<center><br>";
    	if ($start!=0) print "<a href=./search.php?o=$o&start=0&q=".urlencode($q).">&lt;&lt;</a> | ";
    	else print "&lt;&lt; | ";
    	$sstart=$start-60; if ($sstart<0) $sstart=0;
    	$send=$start+60;if ($send>$total) $send=$total;
    	for ($i=$sstart;$i<$send;$i+=$pp) {
    		if ($start==$i) 
    			print "<b>".($i+1)."</b>";
    			print "<a href=./search.php?o=$o&start=$i&q=".urlencode($q).">".($i+1)."</a>";
    		print " | ";
    	if ($start==$total-$pp) 
    		print "&gt;&gt;";
    		print "<a href=./search.php?o=$o&start=".($i-$pp)."&q=".urlencode($q).">&gt;&gt;</a>";
    	print "</center>";
    print "<br>";
    print $template;
    print $COPY;
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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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