kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

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  1. Autor dieses Themas


    alarich hat kostenlosen Webspace.


    ich bin .html:
    "You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits. When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly."

  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. ich bin ne *.gif <_>

    "Sometimes you are animated,
    but usually you just sit there
    and look pretty"

  4. j***s


    Your life seems a bit too scripted, and sometimes you are exploited. Still a workhorse though.
  5. b****y

    .exe ^^

    You are .exe When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly. You're familiar to most, and useful to all.
  6. 2****c

    Ich bin html :king: :megarofl:

    You are .html You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits. When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly.
  7. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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