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    As we know,AJAX is becoming more and more popular.I want to learn this cool tech.Which book is the best for me to know well about it quickly?Could someone give me some advice?
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    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. http://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/AJAX:Getting_Started

    But why are you writing in English?

    Beitrag geaendert: 11.1.2007 20:16:51 von maturion
  4. e********l


    But why are you writing in English?

    Beitrag geaendert: 11.1.2007 20:16:51 von maturion

    Vielleicht kann er kein deutsch oder nur schlecht. Schonmal drüber nachgedacht?

    //e: Maybe he ain't used to german language. Allready thought about?

    Beitrag geaendert: 12.1.2007 11:16:19 von evil-devil
  5. Autor dieses Themas


    I don't know German.I want to get some books written in English.

  6. I don't know German.I want to get some books written in English.

    Then use google dot com!
    Or just think about the url u were given.
    What means the "de" in the url? Damn right! DEutschland.
    And what is ur country code? Dobule damn right! ENgland.
    So what can u tipp in to get the english version of the articel? Tripple damn right!
    Just try http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/AJAX:Getting_Started and u will suprise how stupid one question can be.
  7. The easiest way to develop asynchronous Ajax applications with PHP is xajax.
    See: http://www.xajaxproject.org/

    Jens Rentmeister
  8. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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