kostenloser Webspace werbefrei: lima-city

How just now I can earn more Gulden rationally.

lima-cityForumSonstigesSpam und sonstiges Unvergütetes

  1. Autor dieses Themas


    hpessmsncom hat kostenlosen Webspace.

    How just now I can earn more Gulden rationally.
  2. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

  3. you have to post useful things.
    Or take the link on the welcome page and make some advertisement for this side, if somebody creates a new account, you'll get some gulden

    Edit: the most important thing to survive here: don't make double postings!
    If you wanna add something to a previous post of yours simply click the button in the lower right with the paper getting cut by a sissor, than you'll get the chance to edit (and add) the things you've written before.

    Beitrag geaendert: 24.2.2007 14:00:59 von milchreis
  4. o*******r


    I think, you forgot, what mlrecords told you some hours ago... Double-postings are forbidden here, so please edit your postings the next time you want to add some lines. The edit-button is the one on the left below your postings. We are so strict with spam etc. because we don't want, that anyone abuses the Gulden-system. They're a virtual currency, I think you already noticed that. You can earn Gulden by posting in threads (5 Gulden), opening new threads (5 Gulden) or getting answers in your own threads (2 Gulden). But, again... No spam. :wink:

    GrEetz, Olliander

    Beitrag geaendert: 24.2.2007 14:10:06 von olliander
  5. seit wann sind doppelposts im spamforum verboten?
    Since when, are double post forbidden in the spamforum?

  6. seit wann sind doppelposts im spamforum verboten?
    Since when, are double post forbidden in the spamforum?

    olliander meinte nicht "hier im Spam-Forum" sondern "hier im Forum von lima-city".

    olliander didn't mean "here in the spam board" but "here in the whole board of lima-city".
  7. Diskutiere mit und stelle Fragen: Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

    lima-city: Gratis werbefreier Webspace für deine eigene Homepage

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